(;GM[1]US[Brought to you by No Name Go Server]CP[ This game was played on the No Name Go Server Permission to reproduce this game is given.]GN[gaoqi-kiyo(B) NNGS] EV[None]RE[W+Resign]PW[gaoqi]WR[1k*]PB[kiyo]BR[2k*] PC[NNGS Worldwide: nngs.cosmic.org 9696]DT[1997-02-16]SZ[19]TM[600] KM[-2.5]HA[2]AB[pd][dp]FF[3]BS[0]WS[0] ;W[qf];B[nd];W[ec];B[de];W[cc];B[dh];W[pq];B[qj];W[qn] ;B[qe];W[pf];B[qh];W[qc];B[re];W[oc] (;B[pc];W[pb];B[od];W[nc];B[mc];W[mb];B[lb] (;W[lc]C[mistake.];B[md];W[kb];B[nb];W[la];B[ob] C[This result is very good for black];W[ke];B[mf];W[fq];B[ip] ;W[cn];B[fp];W[gp] (;B[eq];W[fo];B[ep];W[gq] (;B[go]C[The cut weakens the right side stone.] ;W[ho];B[gn];W[hp];B[en];W[kp];B[cl];W[bp] (;B[bq];W[cq];B[cp];W[br];B[bo];W[aq];B[co] C[anyway, black is good with this shape, too];W[cj] (;B[ci];W[dj] (;B[gj] (;W[di]C[A bad exchange for white. Aji keshi.];B[ch];W[fi] (;B[ge];W[fe];B[ff];W[fd];B[gg];W[gi] (;B[ig] (;W[hi] (;B[jd];W[kd] (;B[kg];W[fm];B[fn];W[dl] (;B[ck]C[A bad move.];W[hl] (;B[gl]C[This move does not work well. Black has no more chance to attack here.] ;W[gm] (;B[hk]C[Black's stones are heavy, and white can connect easily.] ;W[fl];B[gk];W[ik];B[il];W[hm];B[ij];W[jk];B[hj]C[a painful result for black] ;W[fj] ;B[hn];W[in]C[Black's strategy has failed completely. Instead of attacking white, he got some heavy stones and helped white to build a moyo. Now white is already winning the game.];B[jj];W[kk];B[nm];W[cm] (;B[bl]C[a doubtful move.];W[nk];B[ol];W[dm] (;B[bm]C[wrong.];W[bn];B[an];W[ap];B[ao];W[bj]C[now black is dead. game over.] ;B[dr];W[cr];B[fr];W[gr] ;B[gs];W[ir];) (;B[dr]C[Black can start here.];W[cr];B[ao] C[This move attacks the corner and threatens a connection on the side.] (;W[ap];B[bj]C[black is connected.]) (;W[bn];B[an];W[am];B[bm];W[bj];B[fr];W[gr];B[ap] C[The fight in the corner looks good for black.]))) (;B[bm]C[This way black saves the group.];W[bn];B[an];W[bl];B[am] ;W[bk];B[dn];W[dm];B[eo])) (;B[hn]C[better push here.];W[in];B[hm];W[im];B[el] C[This squeeze would work well for black.];W[fl];B[fk];W[gk];B[em];W[gl] ;B[il];W[hk];B[hj];W[ik];B[ij];W[jk];B[jj])) (;B[hn]) (;B[im]) (;B[jc])) (;B[cm]C[better here.])) (;B[jc]C[This way, black might get a double attack going.];W[kg];B[ji])) (;B[ji]C[Black can continue the attack and build the right side])) (;W[hj])) (;B[hj]C[first here.])) (;B[eh]C[An important point.];W[fj];B[gk]C[White remains weak.])) (;W[fi])) (;B[fi]C[normal])) (;B[dj]C[This is simpler for black.])) (;B[cq]C[This way white has problems, cannot get eye shape];W[bq];B[br])) (;B[dn]C[This is the usual move.])) (;B[fo]C[normal here.];W[cq];B[eq];W[cp];B[fr])) (;W[nb];B[lc];W[rb])) (;B[od]))