
飯坂 剛一


Release: Nov 2007

Copyright 2007


scsbaseロールはNPACI Rocksの運用をサポートするための機能が追加され、 システムを容易に管理することができるようになります。




NPACI Rocksへ追加されるコマンドは次のものがあります。
























add-alias はクラスタデータベース中のaliasesテーブルへの 登録、修正、削除、ダンプを行うことができます。

[root@cluster ~]# add-aliases --help
Add Aliases - version 4.3
Usage: add-aliases [-hv] [-p password] [-u host] [-d database] [--help]
 [--list-rcfiles] [--list-project-info] [--verbose] [--add] [--delete] [--list]
 [--dryrun] [--dump] [--rcfile arg] [--host host] [--password password]
 [--db database] [--user host] [--nodename <nodename>] [--alias <aliasname>]


[root@cluster ~]# add-aliases --list


[root@cluster ~]# add-aliases --add --nodename=compute-0-0 --alias compute00

データベースが変更になった場合は、 insert-ethers —update コマンドを実行して 実際の/etc/hosts に反映させます。


[root@cluster ~]# insert-ethers --update
[root@cluster ~]# grep compute00 /etc/hosts  compute-0-0.local compute-0-0 c0-0 compute00


[root@cluster ~]# add-aliases --delete --nodename=compute-0-0 --alias compute00


add-static-routes の使用方法

[root@cluster ~]# add-static-routes --help
Add Static Routes - version 4.3
Usage: add-static-routes [-hv] [-p password] [-u host] [-d database] [--help]
 [--list-rcfiles] [--list-project-info] [--verbose] [--global] [--add]
 [--delete] [--list] [--dryrun] [--dump] [--rcfile arg] [--host host]
 [--password password] [--db database] [--user host] [--nodename <nodename>]
 [--membership <membership>] [--netmask <maskbit length>] [--network <network>]
 [--gateway <gateway ip>] [--device <device>] [--comment <comment>]

NPACI Rocksでは各ノードのstatic-routesの設定についても データベース中の情報から生成されます。

add-static-routes コマンドでデータベースの内容を参照します。

[root@cluster ~]# add-static-routes --list
     Owner  ID          Network  Netmask          Gateway Device Comment
      node   0        4             None   eth0 None
      node   0       32             None   eth0 None
      node   0       32   None None

この内容というのはデータベースclusterの中の routesテーブルと同じです。

mysql> select * from routes;
| Owner | ID | Network         | Netmask | Gateway      | Device | Comment |
| node  |  0 |       |       4 | NULL         | eth0   | NULL    |
| node  |  0 | |      32 | NULL         | eth0   | NULL    |
| node  |  0 |     |      32 | | NULL   | NULL    |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

このテーブルのOwnerのフィールドはその値に応じて、 次のIDフィールドのさしているものが変わります。

フィールドの内容 対象とするID
node nodesテーブルのID
membership membershipsテーブルのID

つまり、NPACI Rockaは特定のノードやメンバーシップテーブルで区分される グループ単位でルーティングを異なるように設定でるようになっています。

この情報を使ってRocksは/etc/sysconfig/static-routes を生成しています。

[root@cluster ~]# dbreport static-routes compute-0-0
# Do NOT Edit (generated by dbreport)
# Global routes
any net dev eth0
any host dev eth0
any host gw
# Member routes
# Node Routes


[root@cluster ~]# add-static-routes --global --add \
                 --network="" \


[root@cluster ~]# add-static-routes --membership compute --add \
                 --network="" \


[root@cluster ~]# add-static-routes --nodename compute-0-0 --add \
                 --network="" \


rocks-copyroll はインストール後に登録されるロール名を指定し、 CD/DVDから読み込んで、あるいは直接ISOイメージから読み込んで レポジトリにコピーします。

[root@baystars ~] rocks-copyroll
Usage: rocks-copyroll [-e][-d] [-n] [-r OldName] RollName [iso1,iso2...]
        -d              debug mode
        -e              set enable
        -n              dryrun
        -r OldName      Rename

RedHat Enterprise Linux 4 AS をOSロールの代わりに使ってインストールを行なうと そのロール名は"Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux_4"となります。 通常はこれで問題ないのですが、 計算ノード側に RedHat Enterprise Linux 4 ES を使ってインストールするような 場合は同じロール名になってしまうのでよくありません。


[root@baystars ~] rocks-copyroll -r RedHat_Enterprise_Linux_4 RHEL4-AS


NPACI Rocks ではホスト名はautofsやデータベース、 CA局のキーを生成するための情報としても使っています。 このためホスト名を変更した場合は、 これらの設定についても変更する必要があります。

この手順を簡略にするためのコマンドが rocks-hostname です。

rocks-hostname を実行すると、 現在のホスト名と、 更新したホスト名、 データベースを変更するためのMySQL中のrootユーザのパスワード (通常はシステムのrootユーザと同じです)を尋ねられます。 その後、CA局のキーを再生成します。


NPACI Rocks ではインストール時に設定した パスワードがデータベース中や phpMyAdminのbasic認証などいろいろな ところで使われています。

このため、通常のpasswdコマンドでは、 システムのrootユーザのパスワードしか変更されません。

NPACI Rocks で使用するすべてのパスワードを rootのパスワードと同じにして運用する場合は、 rocks-passwd コマンドを使ってください。


フロントエンドノードをインストール後にクラスタ情報を変更したい場合は rocks-config-certコマンドを使います。

[root@baystars ~] rocks-config-cert




フロントエンドノードをインストール後に パブリック側のネットワーク情報を変更したい場合は rocks-config-networksコマンドを使います。

[root@baystars ~] rocks-config-networks




障害などでノードのマザーボードが交換されるとオンボードのネットワーク インタフェースも異なるものとなりMACアドレスが変わってしまいます。

RocksではPXEによる起動制御や、計算ノードのインストールを行うため、 このデータベース中の該当ノードのMACアドレスの情報を修正する必要があります。

このときは rocks-replace-mac コマンドを使います。

[root@cluster ~]# rocks-replace-mac --help
Rocks Replace Mac - version 4.3
Usage: rocks-replace-mac [-hv] [-p password] [-u host] [-d database] [--help]
 [--list-rcfiles] [--list-project-info] [--verbose] [--list] [--dryrun]
 [--rcfile arg] [--host host] [--password password] [--db database]
 [--user host] [--nodename <nodename>] [--device <device>] [--mac <mac address>]

ノードを指定して実行すると現在のデータベースの情報を表示して、 入力待ちとなりますので 新しいMACアドレスの情報を入力してください。

[root@cluster ~]# rocks-replace-mac --nodename="compute-0-0"
Current MACAddress: compute-0-0
        eth0 = 00:1c:c4:aa:6c:7c
        eth1 = 00:1c:c4:aa:6c:de
        ib0 = None
Input New MACAddress
        eth0 =

IPoIBによるInfiniband へインタフェースを設定するような場合では MACアドレスは正しく扱えないためNoneと表示されます。 この状態で新しいMACアドレスを設定する場合は、 MACアドレスにNoneと入力してください。


[root@cluster ~]# rocks-replace-mac --nodename="compute-0-0" \
                 --device="eth0" --mac="00:1B:78:9D:EF:B6"


Summary: Cheetah Template Engine
Description: The template portal for AdminWiki.
Summary: Install Debian, Slackware, and Stampede packages with rpm.
Description: Alien allows you to convert Debian, Slackware, and Stampede Packages into Red
Hat packages, which can be installed with rpm.

It can also generate Slackware, Debian and Stampede packages.

This is a tool only suitable for binary packages.
Summary: Japanese character set input library
Description: Anthy provides the library to input Japanese on the applications, such as
X applications and emacs. and the user dictionaries and the users information
which is used for the conversion, is stored into their own home directory.
So Anthy is secure than other conversion server.
Summary: Header files and library for developing programs which uses Anthy
Description: The anthy-devel package contains the development files which is needed to build
the programs which uses Anthy.
Summary: Emacs Lisp files to use Anthy on Emacs
Description: The anthy-el package contains the emacs lisp to be able to input Japanese
character set on Emacs.
Summary: Emacs Lisp files to use Anthy on XEmacs
Description: The anthy-el-xemacs package contains the emacs lisp to be able to input Japanese
character set on XEmacs.
Summary: Tool to convert AsciiDoc text files to DocBook, HTML or Unix man pages
Description: AsciiDoc is a text document format for writing short documents, articles,
books and UNIX man pages. AsciiDoc files can be translated to HTML and
DocBook markups using the asciidoc(1) command.
Summary: A smaller version of the Bourne shell (sh).
Description: A shell is a basic system program that interprets keyboard and mouse
commands. The ash shell is a clone of Berkeley's Bourne shell
(sh). Ash supports all of the standard sh shell commands, but is
considerably smaller than sh. The ash shell lacks some Bourne shell
features (for example, command-line histories), but uses considerably
 less memory.

You should install ash if you need a lightweight shell with many of
the same capabilities as the sh shell.
Summary: backup scripts for the NPACI Rocks.
Description: Backup scripts for the NPACI Rocks.
Summary: CheckInstall installations tracker
Description: CheckInstall keeps track of all the files created or modified by your
installation script ("make install" "make install_modules", "setup",
etc), builds a standard binary package and installs it in your system
giving you the ability to uninstall it with your distribution's
standard package management  utilities.
Summary: Remote control for text mode virtual consoles
Description: Conspy allows a (possibly remote) user to see what is displayed on a
Linux virtual console, and to send keystrokes to it. It only known to
work with Linux. It is rather like VNC, but where VNC takes control of
a GUI, conspy takes control of a text-mode virtual console. Unlike
VNC, conspy does not require a server to be installed prior to being
Summary: Creates a common metadata repository
Description: This utility will generate a common metadata repository from a directory of
rpm packages
Summary: A server for Red Hat's up2date tools.
Description: Current is a server implementation for Red Hat's up2date tools. It's
designed for small to medium departments to be able to set up and run their
own up2date server, feeding new applications and security patches to
Summary: Collect a system's hardware and software configuration
Description: Dconf is a tool to collect a system's hardware and software configuration.
It allows to take your system configuration with you on the road, compare
identical systems (like nodes in a cluster) to troubleshoot HW or SW

Dconf is also useful in projects where you have to manage changes as a
team. Dconf can send out system changes to a list of email addresses so
that they can be revised and discussed in group.

You can customize your dconf configuration for specific needs, like making
a profile of your laptop's hardware or copy specific software configuration
files to send out or compare with other systems.
Summary: Scan ssh server logs and block hosts
Description: DenyHosts is a script intended to help Linux system administrators thwart
ssh server attacks. DenyHosts scans an ssh server log, updates
/etc/hosts.deny after a configurable number of failed attempts from a
rogue host is determined, and alerts the administrator of any suspicious
Summary: Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool
Description: DMitry (Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool) is a UNIX/Linux command line
program coded purely in C with the ability to gather as much information as
possible about a host.
Summary: Programs for backing up and restoring filesystems.
Description: The dump package contains both dump and restore. Dump examines files
in a filesystem, determines which ones need to be backed up, and
copies those files to a specified disk, tape, or other storage medium.
The restore command performs a full restoration of a filesystem.
Subsequent incremental backups can then be layered on top of the full
backup. Single files and directory subtrees may also be restored from
full or partial backups.

Install dump if you need a system for both backing up filesystems and
restoring filesystems after backups.
Summary: Statically linked versions of dump and restore.
Description: The dump package contains both dump and restore. Dump examines files in
a filesystem, determines which ones need to be backed up, and copies
those files to a specified disk, tape, or other storage medium. The
restore command performs the inverse function of dump; it can restore a
full backup of a filesystem. Subsequent incremental backups can then be
layered on top of the full backup. Single files and directory subtrees
may also be restored from full or partial backups.

Install dump if you need a system for both backing up filesystems and
restoring filesystems after backups.

This package contains statically linked versions of dump and restore.
Summary: Log analyzer and parser
Description: Epylog is a syslog parser which runs periodically, looks at your logs,
processes some of the entries in order to present them in a more
comprehensible format, and then mails you the output. Epylog is written
specifically for large network clusters where a lot of machines (around
50 and upwards) log to the same loghost using syslog or syslog-ng. It is
an alternative to a similar package, called LogWatch.
Summary: Friendly interactive shell
Description: fish is a shell geared towards interactive use. It's features are
focused on user friendlieness and discoverability. The language syntax
is simple but incompatible with other shell languages.
Summary: Free Japanese TrueType fonts
Description: This Package provides Free Japanese TrueType fonts (umeplus-gothic,
Summary: Free Japanese TrueType fonts
Description: This Package provides Free Japanese TrueType fonts (alternative Kochi fonts:
kochi-gothic-subst, kochi-mincho-subst)
Summary: IPAMona fonts for Japanese
Description: IPAMona fonts are modified IPA fonts.

Most Japanese web sites and MS Office templates are
designed for MSPGothic, so Mr. Kobayashi changed the width of
IPAPGothic to fit against MSPGothic.

Also he changed IPAPMincho for MSPMincho,
and added a "0x301c" character (= "〜") to IPAGothic/IPAMincho.
Summary: M+ OUTLINE FONTS with IPA gothic for Japanese
Description: M+ OUTLINE FONTS don't have Kanji,
so "M+ with IPA gothic" use IPA gothic for Kanji.
Summary: FreeIPMI
Description: The FreeIPMI project provides "Remote-Console" (out-of-band) and
"System Management Software" (in-band) based on Intelligent
Platform Management Interface specification.
Summary: FreeIPMI BMC watchdog
Description: Provides a watchdog daemon for OS monitoring and recovery.
Summary: Development package for FreeIPMI
Description: Development package for FreeIPMI.  This package includes the FreeIPMI
header files and static libraries.
Summary: extra documents for freeipmi.
Description: The extra documents for freeipmi. Freeipmi is "Remote-Console" (out-of-band) and "System Management Software" (in-band) based on  IPMI v1.5/2.0 specification.
Summary: Development/System
Description: IPMI node detection daemon.
Summary: Ipmimonitoring library
Description: Provides library for IPMI host monitoring.
Summary: Executes the specified command(s) at the remote host.
Description: Get Serial ID. as you see :-)
Summary: Power control for remote host via iLO.
Description: Power control for remote host via iLO.
Summary: An anthy dictionary management tool.
Description: Kasumi is a dictionary management tool for Anthy.
Summary: KDE tray program for watching updates with Smart Package Manager
Description: KDE tray program for watching updates with Smart Package Manager.
Summary: Hardware lister
Description: lshw is a small tool to provide detailed informaton on the hardware
configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration,
firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache
configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 systems and on some
PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work).
Information can be output in plain text, XML or HTML.
Summary: Graphical hardware lister
Description: lshw is a small tool to provide detailed informaton on the hardware
configuration of the machine. It can report exact memory configuration,
firmware version, mainboard configuration, CPU version and speed, cache
configuration, bus speed, etc. on DMI-capable x86 systems and on some
PowerPC machines (PowerMac G4 is known to work).
Information can be output in plain text, XML or HTML.
Summary: An embedded Python interpreter for the Apache Web server.
Description: Mod_python is a module that embeds the Python language interpreter within
the server, allowing Apache handlers to be written in Python.

Mod_python brings together the versatility of Python and the power of
the Apache Web server for a considerable boost in flexibility and
performance over the traditional CGI approach.
Summary: Modules provides dynamic modification of a user's environment via modulefiles.
Description: The Environment Modules package provides for the dynamic modification of a
user's environment via modulefiles.

Modules can be loaded and unloaded dynamically and atomically, in an clean
fashion. All popular shells are supported, including bash, ksh, zsh, sh,
csh, tcsh, as well as some scripting languages such as perl.

Modules are useful in managing different versions of applications. Modules
can also be bundled into metamodules that will load an entire suite of
different applications.
Summary: MoinMoin Wiki engine
A WikiWikiWeb is a collaborative hypertext environment, with an
emphasis on easy access to and modification of information. MoinMoin
is a Python WikiClone that allows you to easily set up your own wiki,
only requiring a Python installation.
Summary: The "monobook" theme for the moin wiki engine
Description: The monobook theme is an adaption of the default theme from wikipedia. It uses
a complete copy of the css style sheet from wikipedia, then applies some
moin-specific alterations afterwards. Hopefully this should mean any other
style sheets developed for MediaWiki can be used directly.
Summary: The "monomoin" theme for the moin wiki engine
Description: monomoin is an adaption of the monobook theme from wikipedia.
This theme comes with a floating table of contents macro and a nice set of
icons (taken from
Summary: TrueType core fonts for the web
Description: The TrueType core fonts for the web that was once available from The src rpm is cleverly
constructed so that the actual fonts are downloaded from Sourceforge's site
at build time. Therefore this package technically does not 'redistribute'
the fonts, it just makes it easy to install them on a linux system.
Summary: tool for figuring out network masks
Description: This is a tiny program handy if you work with firewalls or routers
or are a network admin of sorts.  It can determine the smallest set of
network masks to specify a range of hosts.  It can also convert between
common IP netmask and address formats.
Summary: Network "tee" program
Description: nettee is a network "tee" program.  It can typically transfer
data between N nodes at (nearly) the full bandwidth provided by the switch
which connects them.  It is handy for cloning nodes or moving large
database files.
Summary: PAM module for executing scripts
Description: pam_script is a module which allows to execute scripts after opening
and/or closing a session using PAM.
Summary: Random Password Generator
Description: passwdGen is a flexible but user-friendly random password generator. It should
be extremely useful for network administrators, or simply those who wish to
change their passwords often, and would rather not use dictionary words.

passwdGen is implemented in two pieces, a C++ class library, and one or more
user interfaces. This allows passwdGen to look consistant with whatever
environment you happen to use. It should also encourage people to write their
own front-ends based on their own needs.

passwdGen itself is released under the terms of the GNU GPL and is free
software. Recently however, I've developed passwdGen Pocket, a non-free though
inexpensive feature complete port for the Palm OS platform. If you use
passwdGen and have a Palm OS based PDA I would greatly appreciate your support.
Summary: The parallel console tool
Description: This is pconsole, the parallel console tool. pconsole was meant as an
interactive administrative shell tool for clusters.
This is written by Walter de Jong <> in 2001.
pconsole allows you to connect to each node of your cluster simultaneously,
and you can type your administrative commands in a specialized window that
'multiplies' the input to each of the connections you have opened.
pconsole is best run from within X Windows, although it is possible to
employ it without X (in console mode) as well.
You need to install pconsole on only 1 machine in the cluster, this would
usually be your central administrative node.
Summary: IO-Socket-SSL module for perl
Description: IO-Socket-SSL module for perl.
Summary: Net-SSLeay module for perl
Description: Net-SSLeay module for perl.
Summary: Power Control of the remote host.
Description: Power control of the remote host.
Summary: Fast XML parser and writer
Description: The Element type is a simple but flexible container object, designed
to store hierarchical data structures, such as simplified XML
infosets, in memory. The element type can be described as a cross
between a Python list and a Python dictionary.

This package also includes the C implementation, cElementTree-1.0.5-20051216.
Summary: IPv4 and IPv6 parsing and handling class
Description: IPy is a Python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses and Networks in a
fashion similar to perl's Net::IP  and friends. The IP class allows a
comfortable parsing and handling for most notations in use for IPv4 and IPv6
Addresses and Networks.
Summary: Python bindings for sqlite.
Description: This packages allows you to use sqlite with python.
sqlite is a simple database engine.
Summary: A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
Description: A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber for python supporting HTTP, FTP
and file locations.  Features include keepalive, byte ranges, throttling,
authentication, proxies and more.
Summary: Graphical frontend for parted
Description: A graphical frontend for parted.
Summary: Provides certain programs with access to remote tape devices.
Description: The rmt utility provides remote access to tape devices for programs
like dump (a filesystem backup program), restore (a program for
restoring files from a backup), and tar (an archiving program).
Summary: rocks-command
Description: rocks-command
Summary: Starts the firstboot druid if it hasn't been run before
Description: Firstboot is a druid style program that runs on the first time
a machine is booted after install.  It checks for the exist ence
of an /etc/sysconfig/rocks-firstboot file.
If it doesn't find the file,
then the firstboot program needs to run.  If it finds the f ile,
firstboot will not be run.
Summary: SDK for NPACI Rocks
Description: SDK for NAPCI Rocks
Summary: XML kickstart files for the scsbase Roll
Description: XML kickstart files for the scsbase Roll
Summary: roll-scsbase-usersguide
Summary: roll-template-usersguide
Summary: Executes the specified command(s) at the remote host.
Description: Executes the specified command(s) at the remote host.
Summary: Smart Common Input Method platform
Description: SCIM is a user friendly and full featured input method user interface and
also a development platform to make life easier for Input Method developers.
Summary: SCIM IMEngine for anthy for Japanese input
Description: Scim-anthy is a SCIM IMEngine module for anthy to support Japanese input.
Summary: Smart Common Input Method platform documentation
Description: SCIM development documentation files generated from the sourcecode.
Summary: Smart Common Input Method libraries
Description: This package provides the libraries and GTK input method module for SCIM.
Summary: Small frontend for screen
Description: Screenie is a small and lightweight screen frontend that is
designed to be a session handler that simplifies the process
of administrating detached jobs by providing an interactive
Summary: management tools for repogitories
The scs-distro contains manament tools for repogitories
Summary: addons documents for administrator
The admin-documents contains verious documents for administrator of Rocks cluster.
Summary: addons documents for administrator
The admin-documents contains verious documents for administrator of Rocks cluster.
Summary: Bug fixes NPACI Rocks 4.2.1
The scs-scripts contains commonly used administartion for NPACI Rocks.
Summary: modulefiles from SCS.
Description: modulefiles from SCS.
Summary: PEAR is PHP Extension and Application Repository
Description: PEAR is PHP Extension and Application Repository
Summary: SCS Script for NPACI Rocks
Description: Add usefull script for NAPCI Rocks
Summary: site-profile for NPACI Rocks
Description: Example site-profiles for NAPCI rocks.
Summary: Python Distutils Enhancements
Extensions to the python-distutils for large or complex distributions.
Summary: Next generation package handling tool
Description: Smart Package Manager is a next generation package handling tool.
Summary: Graphical interface to smart
Description: A graphical interface to smart.
Summary: Allows execution of 'smart update' by normal users (suid)
Description: Allows execution of 'smart update' by normal users through a
special suid command.
Summary: Library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine
Description: SQLite is a C library that implements an SQL database engine. A large
subset of SQL92 is supported. A complete database is stored in a
single disk file. The API is designed for convenience and ease of use.
Applications that link against SQLite can enjoy the power and
flexibility of an SQL database without the administrative hassles of
supporting a separate database server.  Version 2 and version 3 binaries
are named to permit each to be installed on a single host
Summary: Tool for actively monitoring log files.
Description: The Simple WATCHer is an automated monitoring tool that is capable
of alerting system administrators of anything that matches the
patterns described in the configuration file, whilst constantly
searching logfiles using perl.
Summary: Mouse and keyboard sharing utility
Description: Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between
multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its
own display, without special hardware.  It's intended for users
with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its
own display.
Summary: VLGothic the Japanese TrueType font
Description: VLGothic is a Japanese TrueType font maden by Vine Linux project.
The most of grphys are imported from M+ fonts and sazanami mincho,
and later patched by them.
Summary: Date/time manipulation and formatting tool
Description: yest is a command line date/time manipulation and formatting program,
very useful in scripts. You can easily add or subtract days, hours
and/or minutes from a specified date. Supports all date(1) output
formats plus more.
Summary: RPM installer/updater
Description: Yum is a utility that can check for and automatically download and
install updated RPM packages. Dependencies are obtained and downloaded
automatically prompting the user as necessary.
Summary: Yum Extender graphical package management tool
Description: Graphical User Interface for Yum.
Summary: Utilities based around the yum package manager
Description: yum-utils is a collection of utilities and examples for the yum package
manager. It includes utilities by different authors that make yum easier and
more powerful to use.