# This is a table of mime type, extension and action patterns loaded by the
# Expand-O-Matic GUI tool for listing and extracting archive files.
# If you want to add additional rules, copy this file and rename
# it "expander.rules".
# The format of the file is simple:
#	- The first field is the mime type for the archive
#   - The second field is the file name extension of the archive type.
#   - The next field is a command that will list the contents 
#     of the archive.  
#   - The last field is a command that will extract the contents
#     of the archive.  
# Here is an example of a rule:
#	This rule states that the mime type is for zip files with extension zip.
#	"application/zip"	.zip          	"unzip -l %s"               "unzip -n %s"
#	If the first argument is empty then the type will be matched with the extension
#	provided.
#   ""					.tar.gz   		"zcat %s | tar tvf -"      "zcat %s | tar xvf -"
# 	This rule says that files ending in ".tar.gz" can be listed
# 	using the command "zcat %s | tar tvf -" (where the %s is
# 	replaced with the file name) and the file can be extracted
# 	with "zcat %s | tar xvf -".  The quotes are necessary
# 	around the commands.
# 	Other examples are (which happen to be built into the app):
#	""					.tar.gz       "zcat %s | tar -tvf -"        "zcat %s | tar -xvf -"
#	""					.tar.Z        "zcat %s | tar -tvf -"        "zcat %s | tar -xvf -"
#	""					.tgz          "zcat %s | tar -tvf -"        "zcat %s | tar -xvf -"
#	"application/tar"	.tar          "tar -tvf %s"                 "tar -xf %s" 
#	"application/gzip"	.gz           "echo %s | sed 's/.gz$//g'"   "gunzip %s" 
#	"application/zip"	.zip          "unzip -l %s"                 "unzip -n %s"
# 	Defaults are built in for gzip'ed tar files and .zip (Info-Zip)
# 	files.
	""	.lzh          "lha l %s"                    "lha x %s"
	""	.LZH          "lha l %s"                    "lha x %s"
	"application/lha"	.lzh          "lha l %s"                    "lha x %s"
	"application/lharc"	.lzh          "lha l %s"                    "lha x %s"
	"application/lha"	.LZH          "lha l %s"                    "lha x %s"
	"application/lharc"	.LZH          "lha l %s"                    "lha x %s"
	""	.uue          "uudecode -v"                 "uudecode %s"
	"application/uue"	.uue          "uudecode -v"                 "uudecode %s"

A 'Be'tter Idea