CT-RSA 2019 Accepted Papers
- Tight Reductions for Diffie-Hellman Variants in the Algebraic Group Model
Taiga Mizuide; Atsushi Takayasu; Tsuyoshi Takagi
- Towards Feasibility Results for White-Box Cryptography
Estuardo Alpirez Bock; Alessandro Amadori; Joppe W. Bos; Chris Brzuska; Wil Michiels
- EPIC: Efficient Private Image Classification (or: Learning from the Masters)
Eleftheria Makri; Dragos Rotaru; Nigel P. Smart; Frederik Vercauteren
- Linking Stam's Bounds With Generalized Truncation
Bart Mennink
- Error Detection in Monotone Span Programs with Application to Communication-Efficient Multi-Party Computation
Nigel P. Smart; Tim Wood
- MILP-based Differential Attack on Round-reduced GIFT
Baoyu Zhu; Xiaoyang Dong; Hongbo Yu
- Lossy Trapdoor Permutations with Improved Lossiness
Benedikt Auerbach; Eike Kiltz; Bertram Poettering
- An Improved RNS Variant of the BFV Homomorphic Encryption Scheme
Shai Halevi; Yuriy Polyakov; Victor Shoup
- Efficient Fully-Leakage Resilient One-More Signature Schemes
Antonio Faonio
- Post-Quantum EPID Signatures from Symmetric Primitives
Dan Boneh; Saba Eskandarian; Ben Fisch
- Universal Forgery and Multiple Forgeries of MergeMAC and Generalized Constructions
Tetsu Iwata; Virginie Lallemand; Gregor Leander; Yu Sasaki
- Assessment of the key reuse resilience of NewHope
Aurélie Bauer; Henri Gilbert; Guénaël Renault; Mélissa Rossi
- Poly-Logarithmic Side Channel Rank Estimation via Exponential Sampling
Liron David; Avishai Wool
- Context Hiding Multi-Key Linearly Homomorphic Authenticators
Lucas Schabhüser; Denis Butin; Johannes Buchmann
- Public Key Encryption Resilient to Post-Challenge Leakage and Tampering Attacks
Suvradip Chakraborty; C. Pandu Rangan
- New techniques for multi-value homomorphic evaluation and applications
Sergiu Carpov; Malika Izabachène; Victor Mollimard
- Robust Encryption, Extended
Rémi Géraud; Razvan Rosie
- Quantum Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks against Feistel Ciphers
Gembu Ito; Akinori Hosoyamada; Ryutaroh Matsumoto; Yu Sasaki; Tetsu Iwata
- Structure-Preserving Certificateless Encryption and its Application
Tao Zhang; Huangting Wu; Sherman S. M. Chow
- Constructing TI-friendly Substitution Boxes using Shift-Invariant Permutations
Si Gao; Arnab Roy; Elisabeth Oswald
- Downgradable Identity-based Encryption and Applications
Olivier Blazy; Paul Germouty; Duong Hieu Phan
- Large Universe Subset Predicate Encryption Based on Static Assumption (without Random Oracle)
Sanjit Chatterjee; Sayantan Mukherjee
- Efficient Function-Hiding Functional Encryption: From Inner-Products to Orthogonality
Manuel Barbosa; Dario Catalano; Azam Soleimanian; Bogdan Warinschi
- Delegatable Anonymous Credentials from Mercurial Signatures
Elizabeth Crites; Anna Lysyanskaya
- Fast Secure Comparison for Medium-Sized Integers and Its Application in Binarized Neural Networks
Mark Abspoel; Niek J. Bouman; Berry Schoenmakers; Niels de Vreede
- Accountable Tracing Signatures from Lattices
San Ling; Khoa Nguyen; Huaxiong Wang; Yanhong Xu
- Automatic Search for A Variant of Division Property Using Three Subsets
Kai Hu; Meiqin Wang
- Revisiting the Secret Hiding Assumption Used in Verifiable (Outsourced) Computation
Liang Zhao